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Mierda Del Toro Posts

Anticipating Disneyland!

Tonight starts my weekend trip and I am stoked! First up on the trip is taking the monsters to Disneyland tomorrow and possibly meeting up with Logan in the afternoon! The last time I was at Disneyland, I went with my hubby’s family. We had a lot of fun and I got to go on the rides for the 12 and over crowd! Thrill rides abound and people who enjoyed riding them! Normally, I go to Disneyland with my mother, cousin, and my daughter and they are all wimps when it comes to anything that is more thrilling than Pirates…

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San Jose Urban Views

This is a collection of some views I see everyday in San Jose. It sums it up, I witness seeing odd cars, collections of birds in odd places, and plenty of light rail cables that crisscross the sky above me. The light rail gives me a heart attack almost daily with the way the light rail cars will look like they are coming straight at you and make a sharp left turn on the rail and narrowly miss you. The birds always bunch up and collect on the signals and light posts on Scott Blvd. I don’t know why that…

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Back to Blogging

I’m back and as you can see, things have changed around here.  Newer updated pictures are in the masthead and I’ve cleaned up and simplified this place a bit.  My plan is to start blogging regularly and to bring a bit more order to how I post and about what.  So, you may find some posts about varied topics as before, but it will be more organized.  For example, Disney stuff on Tuesday, Technical stuff on Friday, Family outings on Monday.  That may not be the schedule, it will probably be a bit different, but you get the general idea.…

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